
Augmenting Human Intellect

Hybrid Intelligence (HI) is the term standing for the combination of human and machine intelligence, aiming at extending human intellect instead of replacing it.

The HI project is a large-scale 10 years gravity (zwaartekracht) project with a collaboration of top AI researchers from the VU Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam, the TU Delft, and the Universities of Groningen, Leiden, and Utrecht, linking areas such as machine learning, knowledge representation, natural language understanding & generation, information retrieval, multi-agent systems, psychology, multimodal interaction, social robotics, AI & law and ethics of technology. You can find more information about it here.

On the left, me with the Hybrid Intelligence banner at VU, on the right Hybrid Intelligence consortium meeting at Hoofddorp.

PhD Students that I supervise in the Hybrid Intelligence project:

Nicole Orzan (left) co-supervised by Davide Grossi (RUG/ILLC) and Eliseo Ferante (VU), Andreas Sauter (right) co-supervised by Frank van Harmelen (VU) and Aske Plaat (LU), and their projects below respectively.
  • Communication and Background Knowledge in Multi-Agent Systems Nicole Orzan
    (keywords: Neurosymbolic AI, Multiagent Systems, Reinforcement Learning)
  • Causal Reinforcement Learning and Reasoning Andreas Sauter
    (keywords: Neuro-Symbolic AI, Causality, Reinforcement Learning)

Preprints and Publications

-Learning to Cooperate with Human Evaluative Feedback and Demonstrations, Mehul Verma and Erman Acar, HHAI 2022

-A Meta-Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Causal Discovery, Andreas Sauter, Erman Acar and Vincent François-Lavet, 2022